Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The man with the power. What power?

Although I enjoyed yesterday’s snow, a very large branch on a tree between the cabins did not and decided to bolt at 4 this morning, taking a power line with it. Thus knocking out all power at the Diamond D as well as at the water treatment plant below.   The power company was on site by 9 am; backup trucks and personnel by 12:30 and power was back on about 2:00 pm.  Those of you in Stinson Beach know that such a situation there– involving power lines in downed trees on sloped, brushy and blackberry-infested  terrain – could easily take a couple of days.  And these guys did it in the snow.  Hurray for macho men!  

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Must reads. This means YOU.

Ray McGovern:  Are Presidents Afraid of the CIA?  

From truthout/Op-Ed 
Tuesday 29 December 2009

Gareth Porter:  Iran Nuke Document was Forged 

Tuesday 29 December 2009
Iran nuke document was forged

Monday, December 28, 2009

I have no idea what prompted this post, but found it funny.  This site also has a simple recipe for Split Pea soup in case you can't find any Siberian Tigers.
 My wish for the New Year-  that Abdulmutallab's 15 hours of fame be up soon.  Richard Reid is still way ahead of him in the Inept Terrorist Contest.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Which of these makes no sense?

  • Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize
  • Bernanke named Times Man of the Year
  • Joe Lieberman named Mr. Congeniality by Senate Dems

Friday, December 04, 2009

Dylan Ratigan

I've made a conscious effort not to look for any reason to like or dislike this guy; he seems a pleasant enough fellow.  Then just moments ago he opines that  "the truth is usually somewhere in between."  This is one of the most bonehead phrases ever, regardless of the topic.  But maybe that's just the coffee speaking...

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Twitter from Atrios:

Atrios: " haven't always agreed with obama, first time i didn't think he believed his own spiel"

There is a wild conspiracy theory that upon taking office, every POTUS is treated by the DOD and CIA to a portion of film that was not included in the Zapruder tape.  

Just saying. 

Take this fiber and shove it...

No I didn’t listen to the speech, but I must admit it was on in the background. Thus I was treated to hearing Obama refer to “every fiber of my being."  God I hate that phrase, whether it is from John “Mr. Sincere” Rothman or our current POTUS.   What the hell does it mean anyway?  What kind of fiber is one’s being made of?  How many fibers make up one being? Is a being a physical body or more like a spiritual thing – in which case why would fiber be involved?  Maybe the fiber reference is a metaphor; if so, for what? Being full of shit? Or the means by which to rid oneself of same? Now this is starting to make sense…

Monday, November 30, 2009

The Contortionist

Think I'll skip Obama's speech tomorrow.  Listening to him talking  high road while walking the decidedly low one has become increasingly disgusting.  This is what I expect, always, of Harry Reid, the original rubber man, but with Obama it evokes a certain amount of shame -- as in "We've Been Punked."  I stopped doing coke when it got so bad it just made me sick.  I feel the same about the Democratic Party.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ice & Fire

I love it when the pasture is all frosty in the morning and covered with a low lying icy mist. Now  the sun has come out and is ruining -- hey the sun is coming out!  Another beautiful day I guess...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving etc.

Chris was telling me that the ranch occasionally raises turkeys and that one year they killed, plucked and prepared one only to find that it wouldn’t fit in the oven. We had no such problem with the game hens I made last night and it was all good except the potatoes au gratin which is the only thing I thought I really knew how to make. It kind of turned into a cheesy buttery mess. I loved it of course. Best was my wild rice stuffing which I made with leeks, onions and lots of fresh sage, thyme & rosemary and did NOT overcook the rice.
Sometime in the night a four-pointer somehow injured itself trying to jump the pasture fence (they always jump this fence, and easily – C thinks it could have injured itself on some metal pipes and irrigation heads next to same). Poor thing finally stopped breathing about 1:00 pm. Yellow Dog Zoe meanwhile was tormenting and chewing on a field mouse; hiked up to the dump where C was berating Beatrix for eating a frog (the foam around her mouth was a dead giveaway, so to speak).  I’m glad I don’t believe in omens.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Give us this day...

I’ve had a good success record making Challah – though it is time consuming it looks and tastes great.  But I really don’t need four loaves of Challah; sometimes I just want one loaf of plain old bread.  Yesterday I tried a very simple recipe for one loaf of white bread; it was a disaster.  Perhaps it was the ratio of ingredients (too little yeast, too much flour) but basically it was my lack of skill.  This week I’ll try a different recipe – one that uses the sponge method which I recall from my Tassajara days and seemed to work all of the time.
 Meanwhile, yesterday’s loaf will come in handy when I make the stuffing for Thanksgiving.  And Matt will be here in December.  Right? 

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Going Rogue at a discount

Going Rogue: An American Life (Hardcover) -- List Price $28.99

Amazon:  $14.50

Barnes and Noble:  $17.39

Walmart:  $14.50

Broders:  $15.65

Compass Books at SF Airport:  $28.99

Weatherbug puts the temp here yesterday at 29.5, but I don’t believe it. Various weather sites show a 20 degree difference at times and a projected high temp that is lower than the the so-called current. In Stinson it was easy – cold would mean low 60’s, warm low seventies and anything above or below was really cold or just hot. I actually do need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. Does it matter? Nope.
Mary Matalin and James Carville on State of the Union.  So Retro.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Harry and the Order of the Valium

Listening to Harry Reid re: Health Care Bill.  Or at least I'm trying to -- the man is incredibly boring.  No mention of Public Option.  No mention of Stupak.  But he does say women should be able to get a mammogram before they are fifty.  ??!!!?? Is this man a complete idiot? Why, yes, I think so!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Maybe it's the wine talking, but watching Sherrod Brown on Rachel Maddow -- he looks like a younger and not quite so ugly Arlen Specter. But I hope he is right about Reid not including the Stupak Amendment. Knowing Reid, he will compromise by including something worse. Arghh!

Friday, November 13, 2009

   Pileated Woodpecker
                                         Yellow Bellied Sapsucker
Four Pointers

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Outside my living room window this morning (which is practically right in my lap) a four pointer with his wife and teenage kid; in the chestnut tree a yellow bellied sapsucker. Woodpeckers seem to like the chestnut tree -- in the last week, the sapsucker, a flicker and the impressive Pileated Woodpecker, which gets capitalized. It is nice to see the horses running across the pasture; true, the cattle sometimes run but they are not what you would call graceful. I would say they run like pelicans dive, sort of galumphully.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

I was not happy this morning to find a large pile of  strange poo on the path. I'm no expert on scat but know most of the more benign types and was concerned it might be cougar crap.  Chris of course immediately recognized it as bear.  George further refined this to "apple eating bear."  And while I was glad this was not ferocious beast poop, I was sorry I did not see the apple-eating bear.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Oilver would like some more please...

I am NOT a fan of McChrystal. Guy scares the hell out of me in fact. But now that Oliver is behind him I guess I'll have to reconsider.

On the other hand, the above appeared on the Politico website and I'm not a fan of Politico either. I once heard a newscaster introduce a speaker from "the left-wing Politico" but have never found any evidence that it is left of anything.

And while I'm at it -- I have heard my entire life that military professionals are the ones who least want war because they know how horrible it is blah blah blah. This is complete garbage. kg

The past is not dead. In fact, it’s not even past – William Faulkner

Friday, October 23, 2009

Happy Camp 101

A donkey is an animal in its own right; when mated with a horse one gets a mule. The American Chestnut was almost wiped out in a blight in the early 1900s, so the one in front of my house might be the Colossal variety of the European Chestnut. Maybe. It is not illegal to travel to Cuba, it is only illegal to spend money there without a license from the U.S. Govt. Hindus were not vegetarians until the Buddhists shamed them into it. Not all Buddhists are vegetarian; in fact they don't have to be vegetarian. They only have to smile and look smug. Wood Ducks are the only ducks that live in trees and when they get sick of their young they kick them out -- but they fall into the pond under the tree and so survive. Perhaps. An ox is an old steer. Steers with tags on their ears are soon to be sent to death camps though if they are owned by George he might put it off for a year or so.

These are the things it is useful to know if you live in Happy Camp. When to wear white shoes? Not so much....KG

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Chestnutphobia -- From the Blogosphere

From  "The Sheila Variations" 2003:

Last night, with a sky that looked like impending doom, and a wind that literally blew me down the street, I went and got groceries. And struggled my way, against the wind, up the hill home. It actually was kind of fun. There was no rain. But the wind was a formidable opponent.

The only really dangerous thing I had to deal with, in terms of Hurricane Isabel, was being dive-bombed from above by falling chestnuts.

One of them hit me on the noggin. I thought it was a bolt from the blue, I thought it was an invisible lightning strike, I shrieked as though I had been electrocuted. Then I saw the shiny hard chestnut rolling on the sidewalk. Like an idiot, I stood and contemplated it for a moment. I love chestnuts. And in that moment, 5 more came hurtling down from the tree and pummeled me about the head and neck.
From honigmaeulchen on --

2) Autumn is my favourite season, I even like it if it's grey and misty all day. But this time of the year I always develop a totally irrational fear of being hit by a chestnut falling out of a tree. I mean: Look at the spikes on that shell! It's like a RL minesweeper-bomb coming out of nowhere to kill you! (If you are laughing about me right now, I want to point out to you that there are people out there who are afraid of being hit by the remainings of a New Year rocket falling from the sky. THAT's stupid!) –


Japanese Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology(2005)

Two cases of corneal injury by chestnut burs

Abstract;We observed two cases of corneal injury hit by falling chestnut burs. One was a 31-year old woman and the other was a 65-year-old man. Both were collecting chestnuts. The burs had penetrated the corneal stroma with their tips protruding into the anterior chamber. Removal under the microscope was difficult due to fragility of burs and presence of splinters. Additional keratotomy was needed in one case. Cure was obtained in both cases leaving corneal opacity. Chestnut burs contain a toxin saponin, which will induce inflammation when left in situ. We advocate early removal of chestnut burs taking their structural features into consideration. (author abst.)

Nuts that Kill

Nice weather here. Even when rain is forecast, there is very little (if any). I had dinner last night at Christopher's and we sat outside even unto 7 o'clock, watching the bats go by. He's a good cook. I roasted some chestnuts and he served them mixed with  mole sauce. Yum. Tonight we are having dinner at the Manor House as it is his b'day.  I'm going to (try to) make a pound cake.

The chestnut tree is right in front of my house and though I walk past it several times a day it is smart to give it a wide berth. The burrs are now constantly falling from the tree and being hit on the head by a heavy spiked tennis ball cannot be fun. Most of the ones I gather are going in the freezer at the big house but I'm keeping some; Lydia B was making pasta with a chestnut sauce once and I have her recipe. In her cookbook. She never just sends them to me. But Nicki (George's sister in law) is sending me her mother's chestnut stuffing recipe.  So to hell with you, Lydia.
My computer desk faces my living room window (just as I wanted!) which looks out onto: the Chestnut tree, then the greenhouse, and then the pasture. Summer, the pasture is mainly populated by deer (starting at dusk); then in fall with the cows (steers, heifers, their children etc) and now they have been joined by 3 horses and a donkey. Or a Mule. Nature's screensaver.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Woolly Bear Caterpillar

Like most of my rare finds, this caterpillar is common in North America.
 It becomes the Isia Isabella Moth, which is nowhere near as dramatic.

Monday, October 12, 2009

So who Knew? Via Courtney on Facebook

Courtney Chambers:  Hey Roberta, in north America we consider zucchini, pattypans, and crooknecks summer squash (which wikipedia tells me are harvested before they get too mature) and bigger squashes/gourds such as pumpkins, butternut squash, spaghetti squash, and Hubbard are known as winter squash.

You can read about it here:

Saturday, October 10, 2009

So who knew, Walnut Edition

I love walnuts, so when I was told the location of the English Walnut Tree at the Diamond D I merrily set forth with my bucket and nutcracker, envisioning an hour of sitting in the warm October sun, stuffing my face with walnuts.


Walnuts have HULLS. Thick green hulls which are messy and difficult to remove until they turn brown and crack. At which point one risks the squirrels making off with the good ones (like they did with the hazelnuts). So in the spirit of Save the Walnuts (especially save them for ME) I picked the ones I could reach and proceeded to remove the hulls. This involved a hammer, nutcracker and not a little perseverance. But sitting outside and watching the Spotted Towhees while pounding walnut hulls is not at all an unpleasant way to spend an hour or so. Then George showed me The Other English Walnut Tree. The one where the hulls had cracked and practically fell from the nut. But I’m sure the ones I sweated over will taste so much better.

When hulling walnuts, wear gloves. ”The indelible dye from the husk stains hands, clothes, tools and work surfaces”

When gloves develop holes, put on new ones. My thumb looks like I have just voted in Afghanistan. The rest of my fingers merely look like a hygiene problem.

So who knew, part two...

The term atavism (derived from the Latin atavus, a great-grandfather's grandfather; more generally, an ancestor) denotes the tendency to revert to ancestral type. An atavism is an evolutionary throwback, such as traits reappearing which had disappeared generations ago.[2] Atavisms occur because genes for previously existing phenotypical features are often preserved in DNA, even though the genes are not expressed in some or most of the organisms possessing them. (from Wikipedia). My brother Chris threw this word at us. I’m still not sure what he meant.

So who knew?

Western Gray Squirrel

Ground Squirrel

Fox Squirrel
OK.  So.  The Gray Squirrel is the one most often seen scampering around and chatting chatting chatting.  G tells me the Fox Squirrel -- I think -- is even chattier and pretty much hangs around the tree tops.  The Ground Squirrel stays on the ground.  This is all I know about squirrels, but is more than I knew yesterday  morning.
                               Redneck Squirrel Fry
                                           Thanks to Justin for sending in this recipe.

~ squirrel legs, amount depends on how many you have or how hungry you are.
~ 2 eggs
~ 1 tbsp ketchup
~ salt and pepper
~ 1 can beer
~ Drakes batter
~ butter

Beat the eggs in a medium bowl. Add the ketchup. Salt and pepper to taste
Add 1/2 can of beer and drink the rest. (you don’t want to waste it!) Mix well.
Put some of the Drakes batter in a shallow dish.
Melt several tablespoons of butter in a skillet over medium-low heat.
Dip the squirrel into the egg mixture and then roll in the Drakes. Repeat for thicker coating.
Add to the skillet and cook until golden brown. Turn as needed.
Serve with mashed potatoes and cream corn.

"It is to die for!" - Justin 
(especially if you're the squirrel...)

Friday, October 09, 2009

Department of Tag Lines I Couldn't Pass Up

"An agnostic not because I don't know if there's a God, but because I don't care"

by filmgeek83 from today's DailyKos

Tom Lehrer: "Political satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Prize.”

I have no idea why Obama was awarded the Nobel Prize, though after 8 years of warmongering neocons merely not threatening to nuke Switzerland would make him look like a saint. Nevertheless, I am pleased and in spite of my disappointment in the new President it is certainly a plus that U.S. citizens traveling abroad no long have to pretend they are Canadian.

Obama says he will accept this award as a call to action. Hopefully he will consider this as he decides whether or not to unleash more predators on the people of Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, it will be fun to see how the Ugly Americans spin this as a negative.

Compare and Contrast:

Erick Erickson of Red State (blog): It looks like it is the Nobel committee throwing its lot with the terrorists and those who sympathize with them.

Former President Jimmy Carter says the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to President Barack Obama is a 'bold statement of international support for his vision and commitment.'"

Malia Obama: "Daddy, you won the Nobel Peace Prize, and it is Bo's birthday."

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Life at the camp...

Too lazy to post, so here is my latest email to Carol:

First of all, my sincere condolences regarding the ouster of The Hammer from Dancing with the Stars. I know how much you enjoyed watching him strut his banty stuff. And that beltless bling-studded costume Jack LaLanne would have killed for...

So. Saturday Night was Open Mic Night at the Pizza House (every first Saturday of the Month -- but of course you knew that). MC'd by my Bro; Dee (who was at the Garrett Diamond D Open Mic Night) sang and played her geetar and Barry (who literally needs a hand) played what I used to call a harmonica but now is some sort of Harp or, if you aren't squeamish, a "mouth organ." A Trio came in and that was good that there were new people and the music was ok, though I couldn't understand a word the singer said (sang). One of the guitarists also needed a hand. I wonder -- is there some sort of secret repository here where teeth and hands go to their final rest? So I drank a lot of wine and ate a lot of pizza. Did I mention that the Pizza House has very good pizza?

The temperature fell and it was drizzly for a while. Got the fireplace working in the cabin and yesterday Chris lit the pilot in the heater. Now it is clear and beautiful -- coldish at night and especially in the morning but warm in the afternoon (if you are in the sun) and a warm wind reminiscent of Santa Anas (or Santanas if you wish).

Went to Oregon on Monday with the Bro on the County/Forest Service Road which closes during the snowy season (elevation up to about 4000). Even now there were icy patches and there was some snow on the tree branches and shady sides of the road. Made me look forward to Winter. Also the leaves are turning (dying actually). Casey has her Halloween decorations up. From Cave Junction we went to Grants Pass where Chris looked at a guitar and I went to a thrift store and found a warm winter jacket and a cotton hoodie, dark green, that I LOVE. It was half price day so I spend a total of $8. This makes a total of $110 I have spent on clothing this year. Do you think that's too much?

Had a late lunch at Sesame Asian Kitchen in Ashland which is opposite Lithia Park; it was warm enough to sit outside with the dogs and the food was terrific. Went shopping at Market of Choice in Ashland, where I had been before. This is a great market -- lots of bulk stuff and a good wine selection.

And this is all the excitement I can take. -- KG

Thursday, October 01, 2009

It takes a village to screw this one up, and Harry Reid is the Village Idiot. Harry, you dolt: "Die Quickly" is the CURRENT Public Option...

"I favor a public option. We're going to do our very best to have a public option. But remember, a public option is a relative term," Reid, D-Nev., said Thursday.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'm Shocked!

I don't know who these "US Intelligence" officials are, but suspect they are the same people Cheney & Rummy used to send to "advise" Bush and that they were kept by Obama in the spirit of bipartisanship. I was suspicious of this story right off. Our "intelligence" organizations need a big fat enema. Ditto the Defense Dept.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Senate Committee Sucky Vote ok by Chuckie

Schumer is all over the news trying to spin the latest Demo FAIL on health care. He is unhappy about an ad castigating Baucus for his lack of support of a public option. Why? Sadly, Schumer is a weenie and is into weeniness. I thought New Yorkers were supposed to be tough.

Monday, September 28, 2009

For more than a week there has been what I thought was a lone male Wood Duck among the Mallards in the pond. This morning, there were two males and two females, swimming in a group separate from the Mallards. I gather this small group is heading to SoCal or Mexico for the Winter, but they are welcome to stay.
Defense Chief Says Iran Faces ‘Severe’ New Sanctions
By BRIAN KNOWLTON (NYTimes Online Yesterday)
Emphasizing his strong preference for a diplomatic solution, Robert M. Gates said that Iran faces “severe additional sanctions” over its nuclear program.

Shouldn't this kind of pronouncement be made by the of Sec of State -- if not the President himself? I thought the Defense Dept carried out policy as opposed to setting it. Maybe he thinks he's Rumsfeld. Maybe he is.

Monday, September 21, 2009

US might have been involved in 2002 Chavez coup: Carter

I wonder what kind of talking points the right will issue to its teabagging Greek chorus regarding Jimmy Carter’s claim that the US was involved in the short-lived 2002 Venezuelan coup. Chavez has been sold as the Western Hemisphere’s Ahmadinejad to people who have no idea why the Venezuelans would elect a dark-skinned mixed blood ex-coup leader over the traditional light-skinned political aristocracy. To them this is the man who called Bush the devil and shut down media outlets that didn’t agree with him.* (Even my liberal friends get their panties in a bunch over this one.)

Why would they not applaud a U.S. backed coup in Venezuela [correction on re-edit]? Which they cannot – because they cannot be seen agreeing with Jimmy Carter even on what is a matter of fact. (OF COURSE the U.S. was complicit in that event. Venezuela has oil, remember?) So the meme would have to involve some sort of denial (“There you go again Jimmy") with sympathy for the brave people of Venezuela who sought to liberate themselves from an insane dictator (the devil himself!). The conversation would need to shift from the actual charge (what we did) to calling for sanctions against Venezuela (what they did). Socialism will be mentioned. Communism will be mentioned. Imperialism, probably not.

*Should any US media outlet openly and brazenly aid and abet a coup against the US government, it would be shut down immediately and the owners held on treason charges – something those who decry Chavez for being anti free speech should keep in mind. GWB continuously used religious references, (Crusades, evil doers) before destroying the nation of Iraq without cause.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wandering through Wednesday...

My erstwhile husband claims he was hospitalized as a child after having been bitten by a garter snake. I have no reason to doubt him, but still have never considered garter snakes dangerous. The one I saw in the garden yesterday did alarm me though -- damn thing was so much larger than the little slithery ones in Stinson. But since it was between me and the tomatoes, I soldiered on.

I'm reading a book entitled "American Lightening" (by Howard Blum) about the 1910 bombing of the Times Building --the labor movement, the Owens Valley water project, DW Griffith, Billy Burns, Clarence Darrow etc. etc. How could I grow up in a labor family in Los Angeles and not have known this stuff? Unfortunately it is written in this faux-breezy style one usually finds in an as-told-to (though it isn't). The subject matter however trumps the garbage writing.

So I see Jimmy Carter is getting a lot of shit for telling the truth. Again. Now I have no doubt that Dick Army (FreedomWorks), Glenn Beck (Fox) and I suspect Rove and the usual suspects would be mounting Teabagging Parties and Million Moron Marches, replete with outrageous lies and slander, regardless of who the Democratic President may be. But. Having a BLACK president to beat up on rallies a whole segment of the population that is uneducated, frustrated, looking for someone to blame and is also racist. Every dog has his day, be he a pro-lifer, anti-commie, whatever, and now the racists have theirs. Hey -- it's OK to hold sign saying Africa has Lions and the White House has a lyin' African. I mean some of those signs people were carrying in DC last weekend were outrageous -- how can anyone say that Carter wasn't right on, and where, as they say, is the outrage? So now Carter will get beaten up, even by so-called liberals, and we will say we had a National Conversation. What a crock.

Yes, that pun was intentional.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Public Option, RIP

What we will end up with is the same (or worse) expensive and inadequate for-profit insurance system we had before only now buying their shitty policies will be mandatory. And if the Dems don’t back down on preexisting conditions, the policies will be priced to reflect that. They will, of course back down. It is what they do. This entire process is being manipulated back to front by the health care industries and their stone-hearted whores in D.C. Obama’s speech may have impressed Ed Schultz and company, but for me it was just another pretty speech. It’s getting so the only real straightforward action this country can perform is bombing Third World Countries and even then we have to throw in a wedding party or two. I suspect the only way the health care crisis in this country can now be tackled is by gradually expanding Medicare to cover more people – newborns to age five, for example, lowering age from 65 to 62 – and going on from there. Of course, having said that, I suspect the minimum age will soon be raised instead. Cost cutting measure, you know.

Matt Taibbi breaks down, step by step, the sabotage of the “reform” process:

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Feed my Head

It was nice to have all the sibs (minus Kelly) together for a round of Dead Skunk. Claudia and I flaked on the Sisters routine, leaving the talent responsibilities to the brothers, but the distaff side was made up for by Kennedy, who is teh pleasure. MC Christopher held it all together, in addition to setting up the sound system. I remember when a sound system was a mike and an amplifier instead of boards with knobs and switches resembling Mission Control Center. And kudos to the very awesome Dee (and her posse). Next year maybe she’ll do "Un bel di, vedremo."

Those who received an e-vite already know the menu. If you did not receive an e-vite then you just didn’t make the cut. Try to improve yourself.
Kalua Pig, Lomi Salmon, Grilled Garden Corn and Island Fruit Salad
We’ve discussed the pig; pig sandwiches are now a staple at the Diamond D. If we ever run out, I’m sure George will do another one. Lomi Salmon I could also eat daily for the rest of my days. There is a tiny bit left, which I intend to take care of within the hour.
Just writing this is making me hungry. Think I’ll go fry up some cracklins.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Happy Camp Luau/Open Mic/Engagement Party/Reunion. Part One: The Pig

OK, this isn't exactly how our Luau Pig looked. First of all the apple was green; also, the pig was cut up before being placed on the table. But this IS how it looked before being chop chopped and George did use La Caja China. It differed from any Hawaiian Luau Pig I've had in that it was good. I'm a big fan of pig, so was obviously in pig heaven. (Sorry...)

Big Foot Days

Greetings from the Diamond D Ranch, where the men are all strong and the women are all beautiful. Not so much the rest of Happy Camp, where I am told that should I find a man with teeth, I should consider him a keeper. And so, hoping to find such a specimen, I joined my family for the Happy Camp Big Foot Days Parade.

Now, I don’t own a car, but if I were driving one in a parade, I would naturally wash it first. Wouldn’t you? No? Then y’all come and join in!

I swear this town pulled its parade participants out of a halfway house. The Big Foot Queen’s only qualification seemed to be that she filled out the pink dress provided for the occasion; the Indian float featured young boyz with feathers in their headbands looking like those stereotypes that would get any other group beat up if they tried it. Best of all was Big Foot In A Cage, who would occasionally escape and attempt to terrorize the children – who seemed either medicated or naturally stuporous, although they would on occasion wander into the street to pick up candy thrown by the paraders. Throwing candy seems to be a tradition here, giving the young’uns a head start on their dentally-challenged adulthood.

And since the assembled townspeople looked like a casting call for Deliverance, I despaired of finding the toothy man of my dreams and went home. With my candy.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy Camp blogging -- from Stinson Beach

Much of my head is already in Happy Camp, moving furniture, making up beds for Garretts arriving for Big Foot Days, staring at the cabin shower before taking the plunge. By the time I get there, I’ll be exhausted without having done a thing…Cleverly arranged for Siskiyou Phone and Direct TV to arrive Wed, giving me almost no time to set up the desk in anticipation between then and arriving Tues pm. My priority seems to be getting the computer set up and online immediately – but why? Just writing this makes it seem less and less important. That is a good thing.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Matt Taibbi article on health care due out this week

From Matt Taibbi's column this day:

"I’ll say this for George Bush: you’d never have caught him frantically negotiating against himself to take the meat out of a signature legislative initiative just because his approval ratings had a bad summer. Can you imagine Bush and Karl Rove allowing themselves to be paraded through Washington on a leash by some dimwit Republican Senator of a state with six people in it the way the Obama White House this summer is allowing Max Baucus (favorite son of the mighty state of Montana) to frog-march them to a one-term presidency?"

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Another Democrat FAIL -- you lose!

It is becoming more and more apparent that Obama is caving on the so called Public Option. The Public Option was the compromise plan to the Single Payer Plan, which is what would really work and is what the people want but would have made the Blue Dogs, the Republicans and anyone getting payouts from the Medical Industrial Complex unhappy. The Co-op option is a joke. The only difference between Reid and Obama is that the latter doesn't fall asleep while he is talking the talk.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Would someone explain to me why the msm portrays these teabagging trailer trash morons as an actual part of a national debate on health care? In fact, why do they even suggest that we have dialogs and debates in this society. According to the "news" , we have had National Conversations on race, religion, health care, the stimulus package, guns, immigration etc etc. Generally these conversation are set in motion by some trivial event blown out of proportion by a bunch of wingnuts and the conversation consists of wimpy liberals trying to defend themselves against an organized group of loudmouthed assholes whose only goal is to discredit Obama and other uppity colored folk (that applies to you, Maria Sotomayor) threatening their soon-to-be-gone white majority status. Mixing guns and brainwashed low-lifes can't have a good outcome...

Sunday, August 09, 2009

“I feel like I’m living in a cartoon where no one remembers anything.”

And so the Democratic Party slides inexorably to the right, filling the vacuum left by the Republican Party’s descent into lunacy. I have not been a real Democrat for years, just by virtue of the fact that I’ve stayed where I have always been. Since changing addresses requires re-registering, I have used that opportunity to also change my affiliation to independent voter.

This morning's Frank Rich:

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Newsflash!: American Journalists Refuse to Leave Korea

Two American women freed by North Korea have refused to board a private jet with Bill Clinton. "We aren't that grateful" they said.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

George put in a new outdoor thermometer yesterday; it records the day's high and low; yesterday's high 110 degrees. And the damn thing isn't even in the sun. How does it know when a new day starts and it should start over? I don't think I'll ask...

If you still need a Bald Eagle, go down Chambers Drive and hang a left on the River Road. Not too many yards, there it be, sitting on a post to your right.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sum Gai a-Birding

A couple of days ago, this guy shows up at the Dump (excuse me, that would be the Transfer Site) hoping someone there could tell him how to get into the sewage ponds, which are located on the river road not many yards from where I am sitting right now. In hand was a pretty cool birding book about where to find what, obviously written for those compiling a list of some sort ("if you still need a Pileated Woodpecker...") which mentions the sewage pond boss man as being amenable to letting birders into the ponds to look for duckies and stuff. Alas, the boss man (who is the only man) had locked up and gone home early and so our visiting birder slogs up to the dump and discovers that the guy Chris at the dump is the brother of one of California's most famous birders, Kimball Lewis Garrett. (Of course I may be prejudiced; I am his sister.) So I took Sum Gai to one of the old barns to look for roosting owls, but there weren't any. And we walked down to the sewage pond gate that fronts this property, but it was locked. Alas, lamented Sum Gai, his fence climbing days are over, but he did take a walk around the perimeter and saw Swainson's Thrush and something else I can't remember because when it comes to birding I am a disgrace to my family. --kg

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tom Horton -- but not the Blues

I've been thinking a lot about Tom these weeks here at Happy Camp. Maybe because of the garden he would have loved, even more the pool and Ramada area, dining in the evening next to the pasture. Give Tom some mowed grass and a bit of tile (even gravel) and he had a Piazza. When he was well enough to sit on the front lawn of 14 Dipsea, we would drink martinis and joke about the Seadrift Life Style. That was before he moved to the City; soon it was Kate and KH pretty much 24/7 and I was out of the picture (how out I didn't realize 'til later) which was as it should be. And when he died, I just carried on, no tears -- it was not my loss but theirs, or so it seemed. And I cried so hard for so many months when he was first diagnosed I don't think I had any tears left.

I think of Tom when I am doing the receipts here in the morning, very much like he taught me at the Stinson Beach Grill back in 1992. And I think of how I came to be here -- so many miles away from Stinson Beach and an eternity away from him. And how far from the (honorary) family status I once enjoyed; how little that family, other than him, had any real regard.

I guess it is OK to indulge a little sloppy sentiment now and then.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III

From Dailykos this morning:

If Only ...

Tue Jul 14, 2009 at 08:26:03 AM PDT

Matthew Yglesias articulates what I'm guessing most of us are thinking:
I would pay good money to hear Sonia Sotomayor say, "Senator Sessions, I think it’s ironic to be facing these questions from a man whose judicial nomination was rejected by this very committee on the grounds that he’s a huge racist."

Watching Consummate White Man Sessions question Sotomayor on her ability to be unbiased -- maybe not the clash of civilizations, but demographically, Sir Sessions will soon exuent stage right. And take that horrible Kyl person with you please.

Monday, July 06, 2009

In Country

Since I am too lazy to do any original posting, I'm just gonna use some excerpts from my outgoing email this last week.

New Friends, Old Enemies: So Chris got the water on in my cabin, which pleases both me and my roommate, Mr. Daddy Longlegs. Mr. L looks nothing like Fred Astaire and has a large family -- hundreds it seems. Sometimes I shoo them away so I can clean, but next day, there they are. with their cute little hammocks strung around the walls and ceilings, singing "You are not alone; I am by your side."

You must be in the city. I too am going to the big city today, downtown Happy Camp, which boasts two -- count them, TWO- statues of Big Foot. I wonder if Mr. BigFoot knows Mr. L. Hope he doesn't come to visit.

Did you watch Obama and Medyvedy? I found it too boring (come to think of it, almost everything about Russia seems drab and boring*). Obama is breakfasting with Putin; do you think he will look for his soul in his eyes? Or just eat his eggs and be nice...KG

*exceptions: caviar, vodka, blinis....

MJ: And here's a not-so-wild-prediction: Jackson's funeral is gonna be a riot. Literally. kg

Honduras: Who knows. The ousted Pres is one in a series of dark-skinned-not-of -the -upper crust- leaders South of Mexico -- Hugo Chavez being the most well known. Also, the Ecuadorian President (Correa) and Bolivia (Morales). Correa has roundly pissed off the US by insisting that Chevon compensate for the damage they did to the rain forest. These guys are left of center, i.e. they want to use systems that work for them, not for the IMF and Dick Cheney. I suspect the CIA has its fingers in the current mess, just as they aided and abetted the 2002 failed coup against Hugo Chavez. That is not to say Obama would approve, but I think Panetta walked into the CIA and crawled in bed with those guys. I will never forgive the CIA for sabotaging Jimmy Carter; why don't they spend some time getting humint in the Middle East, huh????

As for what is specifically the deal in Honduras, I'm afraid I haven't kept up. But it looks like your classic upper class instigated military takeover of a democratically elected president who does not cater to them...Apparently the new guy is pretty right wing. Think Pinochet....

Have to go move sprinklers around. KG

Cabin/Palin/Etc: Chris is at my cabin -- hopefully he is turning the water on. Then I can start cleaning it up....The Vanity Fair article is about Ms. Palin and I am printing it out as we speak, so to speak...So don't buy no mags for moi! George cancelled a lo of his TV stations so I didn't see any talk shows; maybe later. He does John King's show but JK had that horrible Ed Rollins and that horrible black Demo whose name I have blessedly forgotten -- you know, the break bread lady. [on edit -- this would be Donna Brazil.] Also some other right wing moron. So I didn't watch it. Watering the garden takes up a good deal of the morning around here anyway. Let me know the update on Ronnie
Re: Palin At first I thought it was a Pawlenty deal -- that she did not want to run again because she would lose and that would compromise her rep for a presidential run. But not if she is actually resigning. Rumors have it that there is some about-to-come-out scandal involved (oh, I'm SURE not...) but I have no idea what it would be. Maybe she is gonna fess up that Trig or whatever his name is, is actually Bristol's baby - hee hee. Maybe she is just an idiot. Oh, and it could just boil down to she is just an idiot. Remember -- it's now silly season, 24/7, 12 months a year. And we thought only Friday was Anything Can Happen Day! --- kg

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Letters to the Editor Department

Mike Slizewski, managing editor
Siskiyou Daily News
PO Box 129, Yreka CA 96097
530.842.2963 x 105

Dear Editor:
Thank you for printing this lengthy diatribe. (...Nation is in Peril; guest opinion 6-9-09) Although it was lacking in facts and long on whining, it did provide lots of chuckles. Evidently, President Obama is the straw that this cabal thinks will break the back of the camel. Pulleeze, President Obama enjoys a 65% approval rating and where was your outrage when Bush- Cheney & co were gutting the constitution , torturing detainees,and handing out no bid contracts to their friends. When progressives and the left complained, we were called traitors, un-american and on side of the terrorists. Here's the deal: The right proved in the last eight years that they can't lead, in the last four months that they can't follow, so now it is time to get the heck out of the road and watch as we get this country back on track. Have your little meetings and whine about loosing the election, taxes, and having a president that does not look like you as you drive on the roads and expect the fire department to save you when you really are in peril.

Christopher Garrett

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hike, eat, hike, eat...

Went up to the Pt. Reyes Visitor Center Wednesday; took the Earthquake Trail and the Woodpecker Trail. By now C is fully aware that as a Birder I am a complete fraud. But she is too nice to say so. Lunch at Olema Farmhouse. Last week with the Kirby X!s took the short loop at Audubon Canyon Ranch and picnicked on the grounds (thank you Cindy!).

Monday, June 22, 2009

At Play in the Land of the Wingnuts

News Release: Summer Food Service
Source: Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Rep. Cynthia Davis' latest outrage is Missouri’s Summer Food Service Program, which provides food during the summer for thousands of low-income Missouri children who rely on the school cafeteria for free or reduced-price meals during the regular school year. This week's newsletter from Davis contains a point-by-point response to a press release announcing the program, at the end of which she concludes the program is really "all about increasing government spending, which means an increase in taxes for us to buy more free lunches and breakfasts."
And to cap things off, she offers this very helpful tip:
Anyone under 18 can be eligible? Can't they get a job during the summer by the time they are 16? Hunger can be a positive motivator. What is wrong with the idea of getting a job so you can get better meals?
Tip: If you work for McDonald's, they will feed you for free during your break.

“A Republican Indiana congressman has a
new plan to protect members of Congress from a terrorist attack: enclose the Capitol gallery with a Plexiglas shield.
In a little-noticed proposed amendment to a bill last week, Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN) sought a study to examine the feasibility of enclosing the Capitol gallery chamber with a protective shield.
“What this bill does is it would authorize a study to look at enclosing the chamber, the gallery chamber, with Plexiglas so that somebody can’t throw a bomb down on the floor and kill a lot of us,” Burton told the Rules Committee Thursday.”

Why do I hope people like this lose their jobs, lose their health insurance, end up being carried on a cot to the local soup kitchen and have to sleep on the corner of Fifth and Mission. Or we could just encase them in Plexiglas and ship them to Disneyworld. One way only.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

It was good of my bro Kelly to call me on Father's Day. As well he should, being a father and all. Now all I need are some pictures of mi sobrinos mas guapos.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

"Take what you want, God said. And pay for it." -- Arab Saying

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I am in awe of the brave young people of Iran....

"We should go under the rain.

We should wash our eyes,

And we should see the world in a different way."

-Sohrab Sepehri, Iranian poet

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Give 'til it hurts...

The Associated Press: Pacific state Palau to take Uighur detainees: Two U.S. officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the U.S. was prepared to give Palau up to $200 million in development, budget support and other assistance in return for accepting the Uighurs and as part of a mutual defense and cooperation treaty that is due to be renegotiated this year.

I have always admired the generous and hospitable people of Palau. Or would have, had I known it existed. Having been enlightened I am inspired to do my part for these unloved and unwashed Uighur people whose only crime was to move to Afghanistan for training in how to overthrow the Chinese Government. Okay, let's add stupid.

Nevertheless, at $12 million a pop, I'll take two.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom

We miss that beautiful smile....

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Settlement is to Theft what Enhanced Interrogation is to Torture

Is there anyone who really thinks that Israel will stop building and expanding on the West Bank? I don't believe that the Israeli government will stop stealing Palestinian land so long as there remains one square inch on which to plant its boots.

What I do believe is that there will be new negotiations between Israel and the US. Since AIPAC and their fellow travelers will never stand for cutting off funds as a deterrent (Obama will not stand up to this voter block), I suspect we will go for the carrot instead. You stop "settling" and we'll give you more money. And they will agree, the money will flow, and Israel will keep on building away. Oh wait! That's no prediction -- that's history!

Saturday, June 06, 2009

"I [Orin Kerr] have accepted a position as Special Counsel for Supreme Court Nominations for Senator John Cornyn for the duration of the Sotomayor nomination."

Why does Cornyn need a Special Counsel? What does he do? Who pays his salary? Just asking.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

As if on cue, Jeremy Scahill reports on his (new!!) blog. He was on Thom Hartmann's radio show this morning.
A clown sees life simply, without complications – George Bishop

It is amusing to watch the clowns in the right wing freak show juggling for positions in the New Republican Party. These Bozos and their predecessors were promoted by Reagan in order to increase his base and the hoax was refined by the malodorous Turd Blossom during the Bush Crime Family Dynasty (a period of time that includes the Clinton presidency).

What they refuse to see is that they were always doing the bidding of the RP and continue to do so now. Their comical ravings provide the cover of an actual debate in the country between two parties and two philosophies. But this dichotomy is an illusion --there is only the One, the Corporate America Dream Machine. What is the real difference between Pelosi and the rubes who were calling for her head (until the media got tired of the whole thing)? Torture of detainees in Guantanamo and its way stations was always pretty much accepted as fact, but -like the love that dare not speak its name - was not mentioned by patriots in polite company. (Well of course there was that spoil sport Seymour Hersh, but he never really got over My Lai so why listen to him.) Pelosi did nothing about it – nothing was done or said by any of the weenie Democrats or their Repub cohorts. Now that it cannot be denied by anyone other than, say, John Ashcroft, the debate is centered on who knew what and when (as if the elephant wasn’t in the room all the time) and more important, how it can be arranged so no one is held accountable or, god forbid, testifies.

My point is that while the clowns are running the circus, the country has not changed hands or stripes or direction. It is not just the wealthy Wall Street profiteers, it is the International Free Market Capitalists and their enablers, the war mongrerers (here a pipeline, there a pipeline), and the complacent media. And a public terrified of terrorists or recession or both needs its bread and circuses. There is no longer any need for political parties, except to create the illusion of choice and it matters not a damn whether it is Obama or Bush, Thomas or Sotomayor. So enjoy the show. Popcorn included in price of admission.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Four arrested for planning New York terror attacks

This has all the bling of a good old USA sting op, wherein the FBI provides plot, plan, timetable and materiel to entrap a gang of swarthy goofballs with aka’s* like “Daoud” and “Hamza” and who couldn’t find their balls with their right hand.

Meanwhile, Harry Reid is peeing in his garment over Obama’s plan to release the Guantanamo-held terrorists into the USA, finding them jobs as baristas at a Starbucks near you. Better they should stay in Cuba eating Happy Meals with their free colonoscopies.

*James Cromitie, also known as Abdul Rahman; David Williams, also known as Daoud or simply DL; Onta Williams, also known as Hamza; and Laguerre Payen, also known as Amin and Almondo.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ada Barker Kennedy

The wedding picture of Ada Barker and Deward Kennedy. These are the parents of Edward Richard Kennedy, AKA Dick Kennedy or, as we used to call him "Grandpa Rat."
Ada Barker was only sixteen at the time of their marraige and she died in 1898 when Grandpa Dick was three years old. Her father was a reporter who covered the Battle of Little Big Horn; he had five children: Ada, Edward, Jesse, Eugene & Charlie. My mother's notes say that Edward Richard got the name Richard from Richard Rudolph -- but I have no idea who that is. Deward Kennedy was a professor at the University of Wisconsin. I have been unable to find any more information on Ada and Deward.
Now that Obama has become Bush, what is Cheney complaining about?

Friday, May 15, 2009

As Obama morphs into Bush and the Democratic Party becomes the party of Arlen Specter….one asks


Clearly the two party system is, in fact, a one-party system with two interior decorators but only one driving force – the big money machine of Pharma, Monsanto, Boeing etc. – and no matter who we vote for, they will surely continue to drive this boat up our asses and still come out smelling of money. That these greedy bastards end up co-opting just about everyone is obvious, but what is amazing is their ability to convince us plebes that we really do have choices – that there exists a Change We Can Believe In, a New Deal, a Thousand Points of Light – and that Yes We Can doesn’t mean Yes You Can (Suck It Up Again).

Ms. Pelosi is not caught in a net – she is part of the net and mistakenly thought being in the loop would protect her. Actually, it is apathy and a short news cycle that will protect her and all of the rest of those wide-eyed Who ME? sons of bitches.

We have ALWAYS been at war with Eastasia…

Thursday, May 14, 2009

What a Boner!

John Boehner in re Nancy Pelosi’s (convoluted and self-serving) statements this morning: “It is hard to believe anyone in our intellegence area would try to deceive Congress.” John! – No one in this entire country could hear that statement without rolling their eyes.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Glenn Greenwald on Arlen Specter - Link Below


Consider Specter’s most significant votes over the last eight years, ones cast in favor of such definitive right-wing measures as: the war on Iraq, the Military Commissions Act, Patriot Act renewal, confirmation of virtually every controversial Bush appointee, retroactive telecom immunity, warrantless eavesdropping expansions, and Bush tax cuts (several times). Time and again during the Bush era, Specter stood with Republicans on the most controversial and consequential issues.


Reports today suggest that Democratic officials promised Specter that the party establishment would support him, rather than a real Democrat, in a primary. If true, few events more vividly illustrate the complete lack of core beliefs of Democratic leaders, as well as the rapidly diminishing differences between the parties. Why would Democrats want a full-blooded Republican representing them in the blue state of Pennsylvania? Specter is highly likely to reprise the Joe Lieberman role for Democrats: a “Democrat” who leads the way in criticizing and blocking Democratic initiatives, forcing the party still further towards Republican policies.


Specter is also complaining incessently about the fact that Lieberman lost his primary and Specter only won his 2004 primary by 1%. This apparently demonstrates all sorts of bad things about our political process. They really do believe that they are divinely entitled to keep their seats forever, and anything which threatens that is intrinsically illegitimate and wrong.
The world is in a truly sorry state when cranberry juice is considered a mixer and Arlen Specter is considered a moderate.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

I've been too lazy to post, but here's a nice picture.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Tom


Friday, February 27, 2009

Weak Sister

So Nancy Pelosi is unhappy about Obama's draw-down plans for Iraq. This is the same Pelosi who was upgraded to Speaker of the House in 2006 by voters unhappy with the continuation of a failed war and pushing for a way out. Instead Pelosi voted lock step with the Bush administration on the appropriation bills which kept the war (and the no-bid contracts) in full force. Now she and her equally ineffective partner in the Senate, Harry Reid, are opposing an effort by President Obama to revive the 1994 assault-weapons ban. For two years Reid and Pelosi have been weak and submissive. Now that they feel safe, they are using their new-found mettle to oppose and obstruct.

They should go away.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Mommy, What's a Republican?

I'm continually looking for some explanation of Republicans. Is it ideology or just plain nastiness? Do they believe all that crap they say? Are they really just a crime syndicate posing as a political party? I'm not the only one asking:

From Suburban Guerrilla

Republicanism Explained
Feb 9th, 2009 at 12:28 pm by Susie

From Jude at First Draft:

In the last few months, as the scavengers have picked at the carcass of the Republican party, I’ve heard a lot of people talk about what “conservatism” means. Most recently, the New York Times saw fit to address the issue in this waste of virtual space.

Well, I can’t definitively say what “conservatism” means. I possess no advanced degrees, am not a philosopher, and have almost no knowledge of political science. However.

I can tell you what Republicanism means, and that, I think, is a more germane issue. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, we don’t have a “Conservative” party on our ballots. No. We have a “Republican” one. So figuring out what they stand for seems to be a much more useful endeavor than attempting to define “conservatism.”

Well, I’ve done a lot of observing and thinking, and it seems to me that the Republican party stands for two things.

1. Tax cuts are the cure for everything, including the common cold.
2. Fuck you.

And that’s pretty much it. All of the shit that the Republicans do flows from those two points.
Posted in The Shadow Knows

How do you explain Republicans??

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Beau Garrett Heller

It has been four years now since my nephew Beau Garrett Heller disappeared -- riding off on his bicycle from his parents home in Duarte, California

We are hoping no one has forgotten about him or given up the hope that he will be found. If he is out there, he should know that there are a ton of people who miss and care about him. If you have any information - names of people Beau associated with, or anything that you may think could help in his return - please visit this website:

Beau Garrett Heller

Sex: Male
Race: White
Hair: Blonde
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5 ft. 06 in.
Weight: 165 lbs.
Date of Birth: 3/8/1976
Last Seen: 1/29/2005 in Duarte, CA
The Republicans, a crime organization masquerading as a political party, put on their Jack boots yesterday and voted as a block against the Stimulus Bill they were unable to strangle at birth.

Who votes for these morons? Ostensibly, their constituents are the fully employed, fully insured, whose lives would be perfect if not for –gasp—taxes! Unable to recognize the principle of cause and effect, these wingers are opposed to government-funded construction of anything not dedicated to Ronald Reagan and never saw a tax cut they didn’t like -- with the exception of those benefiting – well…no one is using the code phrase “welfare queens driving Cadillacs” but I wouldn’t rule out the possibility.

Personally, I recommend four years of shunning the bastards. But if Obama insists on inviting them for cocktails, making sure Cornyn got the first helping of blowfish testicle hors de oeuvres would be a nice alternative.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow in Saudi Arabia. Global Warming? Nuclear Freeze? Next there will be rain on Arrakis.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Department of Frivolous Deflection

from Sunday New York Times Magazine
Interview with Arthur Levitt

Published: January 22, 2009

Q: As the former chief of the Securities and Exchange Commission, which is supposed to protect the American people from investment fraud, how do you feel when you look at the current economic landscape and see 401(k)’s going up in smoke?

A: I feel saddened. I feel saddened that so many people have been hurt; that, on reflection, we’ve all acted foolishly. We’ve spent too much money on too many frivolous things.

Yes, it's true -- I have been guilty of frivolous spending. Example: for many years I frittered away large sums on hardback, lavishly illustrated cookbooks, mostly purchased on-line, by big name chefs (Batali, Bittman, Pepin) --knowing full well that most (or equivalent) recipes could be accessed via websites, no charge, no shipping fee. This indulgence was dispensed with several years ago, but I'm still guilty of other frivolities (2 ply bath tissue, fresh mozzarella) and am therefore, I suppose, as guilty as Madoff for the current economic State of the Union.

Certainly I share more responsibility than Mr. Levitt, who points out later in the interview that he "canceled a vacation to the Far East that [he] had planned for the spring" because he didn't "feel right about spending large sums of money in this environment." But in my defense I would like to point out that were I able to make such a sacrifice I would not hesitate a minute.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Taibbi on Friedman

My bro's letter to the editor of the Siskiyou Daily News

Jan 21, 2009

Dear Editor:

There you go again. Four more columns of guest opinion for Virgil Morton to chime in his support for John Roberts' guest opinion of 1-9-09 argument that we atheists are an intolerant bunch.

Virgil, by tinkering with the phrase-- "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."--by italicizing the latter part does not negate the opening clause. How much more profound and clear does this need to be? Government grants you freedom of religion and me freedom from religion.

I am somewhat heartened that you are not now condemning all atheists as intolerant but rather saying that some of us are. As you cite no specifics other than they live in Washington State, I must ask. Have they killed anyone? Enslaved millions? Burnt thousands at the stake? Condemned minority groups for their lifestyle?

As I stated in my letter to John Roberts: We don't care what you believe, we just want your religion (whatever it may be) out of our government, public schools, State sponsored events, and off our money. We have a small victory as the new 1$ coins make no mention of any god. Would you be so emboldened if "in Allah we trust" was stamped on them?

In closing, thank you Virgil for tacitly approving my right to my beliefs or non-beliefs. Hey, I'm not intolerant. You do indeed have a constitutional right to your religion. If you feel the need to pray to burning bushes or communicate with ghosts, feel free.

Christopher Garrett

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Good On You Sammy!

CSI Stinson Beach reports the busting of the TPer, caught white handed by one Chef Mika. My initial suspect was the notorious Temer Gang. (Auggie gave me a wounded glare when I accused him at the outset of the crime wave; C gave me that look, usually reserved for my wilder conspiracy theories.) So I felt quite vindicated (translate I Told You So) when Sam Temer was finally collared.