Friday, December 31, 2010

The year of Truth, By Gideon Levy

"The truth shouts out: The Israelis don't really want peace, they prefer real estate."

Read the article here

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Stinson Beach Sunset

By Clint Graves via Facebook

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Doin' the Fox Trot with Harry & David

It is not true that I never watch local television.  In fact, right now I'm watching "Dancing With the Rogue Valley Stars."  Oh - Hey - who changed the channel?  Must have been the cat.  Too bad -- it was

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Naomi Wolf's Letter to Interpol

Dear Interpol:
As a longtime feminist activist, I have been overjoyed to discover your new commitment to engaging in global manhunts to arrest and prosecute men who behave like narcissistic jerks to women they are dating.

I see that Julian Assange is accused of having consensual sex with two women, in one case using a condom that broke. I understand, from thealleged victims' complaints to the media, that Assange is also accused of texting and tweeting in the taxi on the way to one of the women's apartments while on a date, and, disgustingly enough, 'reading stories about himself online' in the cab.
Both alleged victims are also upset that he began dating a second woman while still being in a relationship with the first. (Of course, as a feminist, I am also pleased that the alleged victims are using feminist-inspired rhetoric and law to assuage what appears to be personal injured feelings. That's what our brave suffragette foremothers intended!).

Thank you again, Interpol. I know you will now prioritize the global manhunt for 1.3 million guys I have heard similar complaints about personally in the US alone -- there is an entire fraternity at the University of Texas you need to arrest immediately. I also have firsthand information that John Smith in Providence, Rhode Island, went to a stag party -- with strippers! -- that his girlfriend wanted him to skip, and that Mark Levinson in Corvallis, Oregon, did not notice that his girlfriend got a really cute new haircut -- even though it was THREE INCHES SHORTER.
Terrorists. Go get 'em, Interpol!
Yours gratefully,
Naomi Wolf
Don't you love you some big brother?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Prediction:  Tom DeLay will not serve a single day, regardless of whether or not he is sentenced to do so.  On the other hand, I'm the one who predicts that Obama will pardon Scooter Libby so you are right to grab that salt shaker.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Snooze and lose

The downside of Reid pulling it out in Nevada is that the Dems could use a strong Senate Majority Leader and instead are stuck with this wraith of a man who thinks compromise consists of giving it all away. Unless they replace him.  That's sure going to happen.

Not that there is anything wrong with it.

The US is now split into two distinct coalitions:  The Boehner Was Drunk camp vs. The Boehner Was Just Emotional. You’ll only see this played out in the blogosphere as no amount of slurring and sobbing will merit a line in the MSM. 

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Rovian World

The story about Ms. McDonnell seducing some guy on Halloween -- I couldn't tell if it was satire or not.  Is this just me, or is this world so crazy that truth is not only stranger than fiction but there is no difference between them.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Study: Drinkers more intelligent

I must be a genius.


You’re in the army now.  No, you’re out. No, you’re in.
   10/13/10 –  Not ok to be gay
   10/14/10     OK to be gay
   10/20/10     Not ok to be gay
   10/25/10     Check with your local gestapo
 And while you are there, ask them what countries we are invading that day.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Entertaining article about Harry Reid if anything can be entertaining about Harry Reid which is the point.

From Wonkette:

Harry Reid So Boring That His New Yorker Profile Is About Sharron Angle

Read more at Wonkette: Harry Reid So Boring That His New Yorker Profile Is About Sharron Angle

Saturday, October 09, 2010

"What is it with conservatives? Seriously, I'm not trying to be partisan but it seems like if they're anti-illegal alien, they have illegal aliens working for them. If they're anti-gay, they turn out to be gay. If they're super Christian, they're a witch." —Bill Maher

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The trouble with a kitten is THAT Eventually it becomes a CAT. - Ogden Nash

The kitten is no longer afraid of me and in fact cannot keep off of me.  On my lap, biting my feet, crawling over my shoulders and wanting to eat dinner with me – not eating her Fancy Feast in tandem with me eating my rice and pork chop but actually eating  off my plate.  She got the nerve to venture outside Monday, then didn’t come back which freaked me out but now she doesn’t seem interested in going out again.  She is not afraid of the Cooper dog; she wants to play with him which is not on his to do list. Beatrice, who does want to play with her, she is terrified of.  The kitten has no name so I am open to suggestions.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Chuck Toddler has his diapers in a bunch over Colbert's testimony as today's faux indignation orgy continue

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Trip to Bolan Lake

One truck.  Six adults, three dogs, one paddle boat, picnic basket, ice chest and assorted backpacks. Through No Monument Alley, past the Weeping Spruces and up the OMG road.  Everyone took a turn with the paddle boat but only Casey and Felice actually went swimming.  A great afternoon.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Sunday Morning Suckfest

Candy Crowley question re the economy includes the phrase “especially now that the country is worried about the deficit.”  Listen Candy – the country is NOT worried about the deficit.  That is a Republican/Tea Party meme which the media has run with because it is simplistic and because they are tools.  That includes you dumb ass.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

After wasting several hours with two technicians running me through hoops and regaling me with obscure technical jargon I am finally back on line.  No thanks to the technos (their final advice was to call McAfee for an adjustment to my firewall settings) but because Sum Gai at the provider office smelled a rat and advised me he was sending out someone to check my phone.  About an hour later (this is in Happy Camp, mind you) the Phone Gai shows up, replaces my modem and voila!  Once again it is the guy in the truck who saves the day. 
Further bonus -- the warranty on my modem was within 1 day of expiring.   

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ken, you are such a doll!

The MSM is Shocked! Shocked! that Ken Mehlman is gay.  The rest of us knew this back in 2004.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Having botched yet another baking project, I have decided to spend the day as a recluse and live vicariously through Kay Scarpetta.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Do The Right Thing! (That would be YOU, not US....)

U.S. Ducks As Cluster Bomb Ban Takes Effect

Read More
More than 30 countries have ratified the Convention on Cluster Munitions — the threshold for it entering into force — and over 100 have signed it since 2008. Holdouts include Russia, Israel and the United States. All three of those countries have used cluster bombs in the past decade: Russia during its conflict with Georgia in 2008 (Georgia also used cluster munitions against Russia); Israel during its conflict with Hezbollah in 2006 (Hezbollah also used cluster munitions against Israel); and the U.S. during the initial phases of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. (Neither the Taliban nor Saddam used cluster bombs against U.S. troops.)

There are a variety of cluster bombs, but they generically work like this: the munitions spray out smaller bombs across a given target, so you can cover a wide area and take out enemy vehicles, weapons, and, of course, fighters with a single, relatively small burst. Some versions, like the Wind Corrected Munition Dispenser, equip the bomblets with tech to control their trajectory, making them more like smart bomblets.
The case against their use is well known: cluster sub-munitions are, in effect, the world’s deadliest duds. The bomblets have a failure rate of up to ten percent by some estimates — and can act as unexploded ordnance, going off in civilian areas after a battle has concluded, similar to landmines. The Cluster Munition Coalition, a group opposed to the weapons, estimates that 60 percent of cluster-bomb casualties are injured “while undertaking their normal activities.”
Entire Article Here.

Read More

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ms. Sherrod

The date of the NAACP speech was March 17th of this year.  Aside from the obvious question of why she was giving a speech on St. Paddy's day instead of drinking Guiness like a real American, it also raises the issue of how a butchering of such a recent speech could have passed for so long -- it isn't as if half the audience is now dead or senile.

Anyway, as much as I villify the administration for being rash and the media for being gullible, the real asshole-with-criminal-intent is Breitbart who will probably do prison time about the same year as Dick Cheney.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Points for creativity? A Mexican man has been arrested after authorities
 at Mexico City's international airport discovered 18 titi monkeys stuffed
 into socks and tied around his waist. Roberto Sol Cabrera was returning 
from Lima, Peru, and had been trying to smuggle in the tiny primates by
 wearing them slung on a belt under his clothing—“to protect them from
 X-rays." Two of the monkeys were dead when they were confiscated. 
Many species of titi monkeys are on the Convention on International 
Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora's endangered
 list, and can be sold for around $1,550 in Mexico.

I originally decided to post this because I thought 
it was funny.  But then I thought -- this isn't really funny 
at all.  Have this horrible feeling I'm getting soft...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

The title for Worst Goldberg is in serious doubt From TBogg

By: Jay B. Tuesday June 29, 2010 4:28 pm

Still, I have standards. And because I’m a serious journalmalist guy, I asked some respected Middle East scholars about Jeffrey Goldberg, specifically his observation that:

I have noticed, by people with limited experience in the Middle East (Their lack of experience causes them to reach the naive conclusion that an invasion of Iraq will cause America to be loathed in the Middle East, rather than respected)
One unnamed academic replied: “This is a serious quote?”
Another who requested not to be named said, “Why does this Goldberg [fellow] think Arabs respect people who bomb their country, regardless of the reason — and here the reason was clearly specious? Does he think that Israel has won the respect of the Arab people in general? It’s an observation of a sociopath.”

Read the entire post here.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

One of those evenings when the light just seems to glow and glow.  I feel so happy here and so at peace.

Why I No Longer Listen To Obama -- who talks a LOT by the way.

Captain Steven Hiller: You really think you can do all that bullshit you just said?
Obama? Sadly, no.
(Link is to Will Smith, character Hiller, quotes from Independence Day, one of my fave kitsch movies along with Mars Attacks!  and Congo.)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Small People Vote:

Tony  (“I want my life back”) Hayward 
Solipsistic Asshole of the Week Award to:  

Carl-Henric Svanberg

Thursday, June 03, 2010

From "Informed Comment" - Juan Cole 6/3/2010

The Hypocrisy of Netanyahu

Oil makes us crazy...

Ok -- so BP fails to use proper precautions and safety features and the well blows.  There is no working automatic shut-off mechanism. Then they pour on a shitload of toxic dispersal agents.  Then they attempt various methods of stopping the flow, none of which work and some of which make it worse (though they do have rather cute names).  Now they want to nuke the damn thing.  What could possibly go wrong?

Monday, May 31, 2010

Small Town Blues

American cage fighter 'rips out still-beating heart of training partner after fearing he was possessed by the devil'

When I saw this header, I wondered where in the world do they still do this stuff?  

Answer:  Klamath, CA

Thursday, May 20, 2010

This is why I don't try to analyze my dreams:

Unidentified person (offering something):  (unintelligible)
Karen:   Gifty-e you! Go to Hell!
I have no idea what this means -- or why I dream in odd typefaces.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Raining most of the day -- not hard, but still....Planning on going to Grant's Pass tomorrow- perhaps with all three cartoon dogs.  If the road over to the Pass is not open yet, Plan B is to go to Yreka.  If dog #3 decides it doesn't like riding in trucks with humans, there is no Plan B.  Dog's don't get a vote.
Am I the only one who thinks that all BP has done so far is sink a pipe, enabling them to siphon off just enough oil that they can keep making money?  Despite their show of boxes and top hats, these greedy fuckers clearly have no idea how to deal with the deadly torrent of oil unleashed in their sick addiction to money.  I wonder if they even care. BP should not be in charge of this operation.  Unfortunately, I don’t trust our government to do better - it was their lack of attention, at best, and criminal pandering to the money base at worst that allowed this to happen.
Sometimes I don’t think this country can do anything at all.  Between kickbacks and politics it is never anymore about what it IS – but how it can be used.  If you think I am too cynical, go visit  the site in New York where the towers used to be.  How much money has been spent so far to accomplish zero?
And now there is a push to re-think nuclear power plants.  With whom in charge?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I hate to waste golf balls....

How about we plug that hole with corporate executives and politicians?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Lazuli Buntings at my feeder.  Squabbling with the Black Headed Grosbeaks. 

Now that She Has Been Named

The clowns are lining up at the gate.  First out, Ed Whelan:

Kagan’s record … manages to replicate the primary supposed defect of the judicial monastery—isolation from the real-world lives of ordinary Americans… 
                   (As opposed to Roberts, a true man of the people,)
Kagan … is such a product of New York City that she did not learn to drive until her late 20s. According to her friend John Q. Barrett, a law professor at St. John's University, it is a skill she has not yet mastered.
          (Everyone knows that the only Americans who do not drive are gay men from New York.  And me.)
 Prediction: “Isolation from the real-world lives of ordinary Americans” will be a major meme for months. 

To come:
 “The most left-wing candidate ever named.”
“Has shown she values the rights of terrorists more than the lives of Americans.”
“Gay”  “Hates men”  “Hates children”   
For a roundup of clown comments:

Friday, May 07, 2010

Salazar -- another crappy Obama appointee. Guess he decided to keep the change.

From Wikepedia:
On May 23, 2005, Salazar was among the Gang of 14 moderate senators to forge a compromise on the Democrats' use of the filibuster against judicial appointments, thus blocking the Republican leadership's attempt to implement the so-called "nuclear option". Under the agreement, the Democrats would retain the power to filibuster a Bush judicial nominee only in an "extraordinary circumstance", and the three most conservative Bushappellate court nominees (Janice Rogers BrownPriscilla Owen and William Pryor) would receive a vote by the full Senate. Salazar has skirmished with Focus on the Family, a Colorado-based conservative Christian group of national stature, over his stance on judicial nominees.
In 2005, Salazar voted against increasing fuel-efficiency standards (CAFE) for cars and trucks, a vote that the League of Conservation Voters notes is anti-environment. In the same year, Salazar voted against an amendment to repeal tax breaks for ExxonMobil and other major petroleum companies.[6]
In August 2006, Ken Salazar supported fellow Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman in his primary race againstNed Lamont in Connecticut. Lamont, running primarily as an anti-war candidate, won the primary. Salazar's continued support of Lieberman, who successfully ran as an independent against Lamont, has rankled the anti-war wing of the Democratic Party.
In 2006, Salazar voted to end protections that limit offshore oil drilling in Florida's Gulf Coast.[7]
In 2007, Salazar was one of only a handful of Democrats to vote against a bill that would require the United States Army Corps of Engineers to consider global warming when planning water projects.[8]
According to Project Vote Smart, Ken Salazar received a 25 percent vote rating for 2007 by the Humane Society of the United States,[9] a zero percent vote rating for 2005-2006 by Fund for Animals,[10] a 60 percent vote rating for 2007 by Defenders of Wildlife,[11] and a zero percent vote rating on the Animal Welfare Institute Compassion Index[12]. He also supported the Bush Administration's release of lands in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) for emergency haying in Colorado's Yuma and Phillips Counties.[13] Salazar has an 81 percent lifetime rating from theLeague of Conservation Voters, including a 100 percent rating for the year 2008.[14]