Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The man with the power. What power?

Although I enjoyed yesterday’s snow, a very large branch on a tree between the cabins did not and decided to bolt at 4 this morning, taking a power line with it. Thus knocking out all power at the Diamond D as well as at the water treatment plant below.   The power company was on site by 9 am; backup trucks and personnel by 12:30 and power was back on about 2:00 pm.  Those of you in Stinson Beach know that such a situation there– involving power lines in downed trees on sloped, brushy and blackberry-infested  terrain – could easily take a couple of days.  And these guys did it in the snow.  Hurray for macho men!  


Courtney said...

I'm glad the branch didn't fall on your cabin - or Uncle Chris's, which looks a lot less sturdy than yours.

So did Uncle Chris break out Dad's generator, or did you survive a day without internet? And were you grateful for the wood stove?

MissKG said...

No need for a generator -- power was out for less than 12 hours. No internet, no tv. I had to spend the day reading. So retro....And I am ALWAYS grateful for that wood stove.