Saturday, June 27, 2009

Letters to the Editor Department

Mike Slizewski, managing editor
Siskiyou Daily News
PO Box 129, Yreka CA 96097
530.842.2963 x 105

Dear Editor:
Thank you for printing this lengthy diatribe. (...Nation is in Peril; guest opinion 6-9-09) Although it was lacking in facts and long on whining, it did provide lots of chuckles. Evidently, President Obama is the straw that this cabal thinks will break the back of the camel. Pulleeze, President Obama enjoys a 65% approval rating and where was your outrage when Bush- Cheney & co were gutting the constitution , torturing detainees,and handing out no bid contracts to their friends. When progressives and the left complained, we were called traitors, un-american and on side of the terrorists. Here's the deal: The right proved in the last eight years that they can't lead, in the last four months that they can't follow, so now it is time to get the heck out of the road and watch as we get this country back on track. Have your little meetings and whine about loosing the election, taxes, and having a president that does not look like you as you drive on the roads and expect the fire department to save you when you really are in peril.

Christopher Garrett

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