Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Cat? Cradle? Plane?

At the risk of annoying C, who hates this sort of thing, here's the real skinny on th fate of AA Flight 77. This plane was diverted to Greenland, the passengers were given new identities and transferred to Roswell. My sister personally interviewed one of these passengers and said he was very outspoken about his experience but that no one believed him.

Barbara Olson was allowed to move freely about the country having been reinvented as one Ann Coulter. Her career as hate-monger/dominatrix has been somewhat eclipsed since it was revealed that Michelle Malkin got on top.

I hope I didn't ruin your breakfast.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Z for Zounds!

There -- Did it again! If this guy gets much more face time he'll need an SAG card. Still he makes enuf to buy new tennies, and it sure beats the hell out of bussing tables at Sardi's. (You knew he looked familiar, didn't you?)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Send Money

Some of you may have noticed how I conjured up old Zarquawi merely by mentioning his name. I was surprised myself, but having discovered this talent I now mean to capitalize on it.

Therefore, for a moderate sum, I will NOT mention the following:

Mu**a* *mar -- $500.00

G**ra**o *ive*a -- $750.00

V*lde**r -- $400.00

An**ea d*M***o -- $1500.00

Do not procrastinate. Time flies when I'm grouchy.

By the way, am I the only one who has figured out just why Cheney outed Valerie Plame? It always seemed weird that it was in retaliation for Joe's lack of cooperation, why would they want to give him more attention? (OK, they're idiots, but still...) More likely they hoped to head off any debunking of whatever "evidence" they are planning on presenting in re Iran's nuclear weapons program. Debunking by, Valerie Plame of course.