Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Importance of Being Not-Bush

Among the Obama apologists, there are two (among other) pillars that are so not working for me at this point (if they ever did).  First is the he-did-not-really-promise-that argument, implying that what I see as failure to perform is really a matter of conflating his ideas with a conception that he might act upon any of them.  Closing Guantanamo, for example, was an idea; chiding him for not actually doing it is being naïve and – well – petulant. Since Obama did not actually say he would be a rabid crusader for Universal Health Care, it would be unfair to be disappointed that he (and his pit bull Rahm) instead orchestrated a giveaway to the insurance and pharmaceutical companies.  He didn’t say he would do the former and he didn’t promise not to do the latter. 

Second – well, at least he isn’t Bush.  The technical argument to that should be that Not-Being- Bush is setting the bar so low that a snake could crawl over it.  Unfortunately, the argument is now more like  - in what way is he Not-Bush?

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