Friday, October 23, 2009

Happy Camp 101

A donkey is an animal in its own right; when mated with a horse one gets a mule. The American Chestnut was almost wiped out in a blight in the early 1900s, so the one in front of my house might be the Colossal variety of the European Chestnut. Maybe. It is not illegal to travel to Cuba, it is only illegal to spend money there without a license from the U.S. Govt. Hindus were not vegetarians until the Buddhists shamed them into it. Not all Buddhists are vegetarian; in fact they don't have to be vegetarian. They only have to smile and look smug. Wood Ducks are the only ducks that live in trees and when they get sick of their young they kick them out -- but they fall into the pond under the tree and so survive. Perhaps. An ox is an old steer. Steers with tags on their ears are soon to be sent to death camps though if they are owned by George he might put it off for a year or so.

These are the things it is useful to know if you live in Happy Camp. When to wear white shoes? Not so much....KG

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