Monday, June 18, 2012

It is interesting watching POTUS, using nothing but Obamatalk, send the Repubs into a feeding frenzy – not realizing they are feeding on themselves.  Witness the Godsters making complete fools of themselves over the VERY IDEA of insurance covering birth control especially if those sluts are working for a nice Catholic businessman.  Discuss ad nauseum and at least a few of those undecided whores will be looking to vote for Obama.  Then the “personal” endorsement of same sex marriage, a position he held once and abandoned but then saw the light on the road to Term Two.  Apoplexy on the right and siphon off a few more indies to the Dem side. And now the watered down, carefully picked provisions involving undocumented young’uns and the Rs are in a very bad position.  How many little brown ones can they afford to piss off?  Just as POTUS is becoming more Bush than Bush, his political game is getting more Rovian.  I guess it is possible to have a little strangulating respect for that.

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