I have decided that the best use of my new spare time would be to read books and watch DVDs – not for any personal pleasure but so my readers (of which I have none) will not have to suffer as I have.
Children of Men – Cliché and predictable, the casting is so good it was a lot of fun to watch. A satire made of this movie would do well to keep the same cast. No, really, I did like it.
Huey Long****: I adore Sean Penn. He’s a genius. (Steve says “He’s a God.) But I couldn’t watch this movie which had a pervasive ugliness and no pitch range. Sorry honey.
Pan’s Labyrinth: I don’t think I got up and puttered once during this movie, which is the highest praise I can give to a DVD .
The Constant Gardener: Heavy foreshadowing, a trifle long (3 putters) but well done with a good cast. Thumbs up as they say…
3 putters???
How many times I get up and putter about during a movie. No putters = I be riveted! The Constant Putterring: Hey, this movie be boring!
Thank you for explaining about the putters. I thought you were practicing your short game in golf.
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