Saturday, April 24, 2010

Attack of the Bantam Rooster

Checking on the sick chicken, attacked by the bantam rooster, blood drawn. War declared.

The Wine Glass, The Can Opener and The Cable Guy

Several years ago I was sitting in my Stinson Beach kitchen, chatting with Joe Mama, the Cable Guy.  Because it was after noon, and because I was chatting with the Cable Guy, I poured myself a glass of wine.  Several conspiracy theories later (you don’t want to know) I realized the glass was gone.  I traced my moving-around tracks in this small kitchen but that glass of wine was never seen again. A few days ago, in a kitchen far far away, I opened a jar of mole with a red can opener that has not been seen since. 

The existence of Bermuda Triangles in this world is not disputed – not the ship-eating type or the sock-eating type – so it is not even a stretch to figure that there is a universal small-household-object type.  Or even  personal, individual Bermuda Triangles, black holes which follow us around and from which our doppelgangers reach out on occasion to snatch away our stuff for whatever purpose.  Maybe they take them to some kind of doppelganger garage sale, or maybe they just like to watch us looking around furtively, on top of refrigerators, in laundry baskets, knowing that we look ridiculous.  Joe Mama would surely find a Knights Templar connection here (you don’t want to know).

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Black Headed Grosbeaks

all over my usually-ignored bird feeders this morning. Yellow rumped (Audubon) warblers still abundant.
                 (photo filched from the Internets)
For my brother Kimball's Duarte Bird Walk, go here:

Friday, April 16, 2010

See No Apple

 Michael Moore Tweets: 
Who will be the 1st politician to give back Goldman’s tainted money? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?

Well my guess is nobody, no one, no way, no how.  After all John Paulson is A Bad Apple.  Just like that awful Lindy England.  And Rusty Calley – A Very Bad Apple.  Nothing to see here.

Riding in Trucks with Dogs

I like getting out of Dodge, not least because of the Scenic Route which stretches for hundreds of miles in any direction. Never mind that my brother’s truck is just far enough from the ground that I barely miss falling on my face each time I get out. Or on my ass getting in. The likelihood of either happening increases proportionately to the amount of spectators available and so I am especially careful in, say, the parking lot at Raley's as opposed to the Bark Park type stops. But I digress. So far, my trips out have been spaced months apart, which makes the changing of the seasons more striking -- as in All Of A Sudden there are buds and lillies; or All Of A Sudden, the trees were weighted down with snow. Now I'm sure Vermonters would give a smug shrug to Northern California's fall colors, but they sure work for me. In Marin, there were basically two seasons – “Look at how green everything is” and “Look at how brown everything is.” Aside from the occasional clump of Lillies of the Valley and the rare hardy daffodil, the natural flora and fauna remained pretty much the same all year. (Vegetable gardens of course are more needy.) Riding with my bro is not an exercise in efficient travel between a and b but instead involve scenic tours of, for example, Cave Junction, Hilt and pretty much every strip mall in Medford. Ok, that last I could have done without but what the hell. Throw in some parks and a dog-friendly restaurant.
So far, I have not had the pleasure of being barfed on by a Boston Terrier.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Killed in the Polish air disaster was one of my heroines from the Solidarity movement -- Wanda Valetinowa, though the article had her first name as Anna and I don't really know how to spell her last name.  She was the crane operater in Gdansk whose firing sparked the movement.  Of course I just loved Lech Walesa who was quite the fox before he got old and fat. 

If I were a Polski, I don't think having Putin in charge of investigating the crash would make me feel all warm and fuzzy....