Saturday, August 22, 2009
Happy Camp blogging -- from Stinson Beach
Much of my head is already in Happy Camp, moving furniture, making up beds for Garretts arriving for Big Foot Days, staring at the cabin shower before taking the plunge. By the time I get there, I’ll be exhausted without having done a thing…Cleverly arranged for Siskiyou Phone and Direct TV to arrive Wed, giving me almost no time to set up the desk in anticipation between then and arriving Tues pm. My priority seems to be getting the computer set up and online immediately – but why? Just writing this makes it seem less and less important. That is a good thing.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Matt Taibbi article on health care due out this week
From Matt Taibbi's column this day:
"I’ll say this for George Bush: you’d never have caught him frantically negotiating against himself to take the meat out of a signature legislative initiative just because his approval ratings had a bad summer. Can you imagine Bush and Karl Rove allowing themselves to be paraded through Washington on a leash by some dimwit Republican Senator of a state with six people in it the way the Obama White House this summer is allowing Max Baucus (favorite son of the mighty state of Montana) to frog-march them to a one-term presidency?"
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Another Democrat FAIL -- you lose!
It is becoming more and more apparent that Obama is caving on the so called Public Option. The Public Option was the compromise plan to the Single Payer Plan, which is what would really work and is what the people want but would have made the Blue Dogs, the Republicans and anyone getting payouts from the Medical Industrial Complex unhappy. The Co-op option is a joke. The only difference between Reid and Obama is that the latter doesn't fall asleep while he is talking the talk.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Would someone explain to me why the msm portrays these teabagging trailer trash morons as an actual part of a national debate on health care? In fact, why do they even suggest that we have dialogs and debates in this society. According to the "news" , we have had National Conversations on race, religion, health care, the stimulus package, guns, immigration etc etc. Generally these conversation are set in motion by some trivial event blown out of proportion by a bunch of wingnuts and the conversation consists of wimpy liberals trying to defend themselves against an organized group of loudmouthed assholes whose only goal is to discredit Obama and other uppity colored folk (that applies to you, Maria Sotomayor) threatening their soon-to-be-gone white majority status. Mixing guns and brainwashed low-lifes can't have a good outcome...
Sunday, August 09, 2009
“I feel like I’m living in a cartoon where no one remembers anything.”
And so the Democratic Party slides inexorably to the right, filling the vacuum left by the Republican Party’s descent into lunacy. I have not been a real Democrat for years, just by virtue of the fact that I’ve stayed where I have always been. Since changing addresses requires re-registering, I have used that opportunity to also change my affiliation to independent voter.
This morning's Frank Rich:
This morning's Frank Rich:
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Newsflash!: American Journalists Refuse to Leave Korea
Two American women freed by North Korea have refused to board a private jet with Bill Clinton. "We aren't that grateful" they said.
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