Thursday, January 29, 2009

Beau Garrett Heller

It has been four years now since my nephew Beau Garrett Heller disappeared -- riding off on his bicycle from his parents home in Duarte, California

We are hoping no one has forgotten about him or given up the hope that he will be found. If he is out there, he should know that there are a ton of people who miss and care about him. If you have any information - names of people Beau associated with, or anything that you may think could help in his return - please visit this website:

Beau Garrett Heller

Sex: Male
Race: White
Hair: Blonde
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5 ft. 06 in.
Weight: 165 lbs.
Date of Birth: 3/8/1976
Last Seen: 1/29/2005 in Duarte, CA
The Republicans, a crime organization masquerading as a political party, put on their Jack boots yesterday and voted as a block against the Stimulus Bill they were unable to strangle at birth.

Who votes for these morons? Ostensibly, their constituents are the fully employed, fully insured, whose lives would be perfect if not for –gasp—taxes! Unable to recognize the principle of cause and effect, these wingers are opposed to government-funded construction of anything not dedicated to Ronald Reagan and never saw a tax cut they didn’t like -- with the exception of those benefiting – well…no one is using the code phrase “welfare queens driving Cadillacs” but I wouldn’t rule out the possibility.

Personally, I recommend four years of shunning the bastards. But if Obama insists on inviting them for cocktails, making sure Cornyn got the first helping of blowfish testicle hors de oeuvres would be a nice alternative.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow in Saudi Arabia. Global Warming? Nuclear Freeze? Next there will be rain on Arrakis.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Department of Frivolous Deflection

from Sunday New York Times Magazine
Interview with Arthur Levitt

Published: January 22, 2009

Q: As the former chief of the Securities and Exchange Commission, which is supposed to protect the American people from investment fraud, how do you feel when you look at the current economic landscape and see 401(k)’s going up in smoke?

A: I feel saddened. I feel saddened that so many people have been hurt; that, on reflection, we’ve all acted foolishly. We’ve spent too much money on too many frivolous things.

Yes, it's true -- I have been guilty of frivolous spending. Example: for many years I frittered away large sums on hardback, lavishly illustrated cookbooks, mostly purchased on-line, by big name chefs (Batali, Bittman, Pepin) --knowing full well that most (or equivalent) recipes could be accessed via websites, no charge, no shipping fee. This indulgence was dispensed with several years ago, but I'm still guilty of other frivolities (2 ply bath tissue, fresh mozzarella) and am therefore, I suppose, as guilty as Madoff for the current economic State of the Union.

Certainly I share more responsibility than Mr. Levitt, who points out later in the interview that he "canceled a vacation to the Far East that [he] had planned for the spring" because he didn't "feel right about spending large sums of money in this environment." But in my defense I would like to point out that were I able to make such a sacrifice I would not hesitate a minute.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Taibbi on Friedman

My bro's letter to the editor of the Siskiyou Daily News

Jan 21, 2009

Dear Editor:

There you go again. Four more columns of guest opinion for Virgil Morton to chime in his support for John Roberts' guest opinion of 1-9-09 argument that we atheists are an intolerant bunch.

Virgil, by tinkering with the phrase-- "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."--by italicizing the latter part does not negate the opening clause. How much more profound and clear does this need to be? Government grants you freedom of religion and me freedom from religion.

I am somewhat heartened that you are not now condemning all atheists as intolerant but rather saying that some of us are. As you cite no specifics other than they live in Washington State, I must ask. Have they killed anyone? Enslaved millions? Burnt thousands at the stake? Condemned minority groups for their lifestyle?

As I stated in my letter to John Roberts: We don't care what you believe, we just want your religion (whatever it may be) out of our government, public schools, State sponsored events, and off our money. We have a small victory as the new 1$ coins make no mention of any god. Would you be so emboldened if "in Allah we trust" was stamped on them?

In closing, thank you Virgil for tacitly approving my right to my beliefs or non-beliefs. Hey, I'm not intolerant. You do indeed have a constitutional right to your religion. If you feel the need to pray to burning bushes or communicate with ghosts, feel free.

Christopher Garrett

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Good On You Sammy!

CSI Stinson Beach reports the busting of the TPer, caught white handed by one Chef Mika. My initial suspect was the notorious Temer Gang. (Auggie gave me a wounded glare when I accused him at the outset of the crime wave; C gave me that look, usually reserved for my wilder conspiracy theories.) So I felt quite vindicated (translate I Told You So) when Sam Temer was finally collared.

Sunday, January 04, 2009


Once again the Bush administration brings shame upon our country with their veto of the U.N. Security Council statement calling for an immediate cease-fire between Israel and Gaza's Hamas rulers. A similar resolution was blocked by the U.S. at the beginning of Israeli air attacks in December. President-elect Obama has remained silent, cowering under the “only one President at a time” banner, or, worse, agreeing with the Israeli position of massive retaliation.

Meanwhile Israel continues their litany of “right to self protection,” which it seeks to accomplish by creating Hamas martyrs rather than fostering an environment which would render Hamas unnecessary.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Juan Cole on Good Stuff

From Juan Cole (Informed Comment), my go-to guy on the Middle East when I need context as opposed to just events -- which is always.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Top Ten Good News Stories in the Muslim World, 2008 (That Nobody Noticed)
We all too often focus only on negative developments, and while it is understandable for people to keep their eyes on impending calamities, obsessing about the bad sometimes causes us to miss good news. We see a lot of that even with regard to the US. For instance, there has been a 23% decline in violent crime over the past twenty years in the US, but people who watch a lot of television (especially, I presume, police procedurals) tell pollsters they think crime has gotten worse. I see significant positive stories in the Muslim world in 2008 that don't get a lot of press in the US, but which will be important for the incoming Obama administration.

For full article: