Looking for "Tough, fair, relevant, and appropriate" questions
BarbinMDFri Apr 18, 2008 at 04:18:56 PM PDT
Appearing Sunday on This Week With George Stephanopoulos is Senator Straight Talk McCain, and now that Stephanopoulos has
set the bar for what constitutes tough and relevant questions for a candidate for the presidency:
If you look at the fall campaign, there are some clear signals from Senator Obama's opponents that all of these issues are going to be put together in a general argument.
...we can of course assume that McCain will be held to that same journalistic standard. After all, according to Stephanopoulas, we're not looking for "who will be the best president, but who has the best chance of winning." And in that spirit, here are a just a few questions that might help the American people judge McCain's "credibility and honesty."
Senator McCain, some have suggested that you take on Mike Huckabee as your running mate to offset the mistrust many Christian voters have of you given your support of stem cell research, which as you know, they consider to be murder. So my question to you is, will you ask Mr. Huckabee to join your ticket and can you explain why destroying unborn children isn't murder? After all, this viewpoint can be found on the internet.
It has been widely reported that you told Senator John Cornyn to "fuck off." Given your famous and self-admitted temper, should the American people be concerned that you may use the same sort of language to world leaders?
Let's move on to religion. You have "proudly" accepted the endorsements of Reverend John Hagee and Rod Parsley. Do believe and accept their belief that the Catholic Church conspired with Hitler to exterminate Jews, that Hurricane Katrina was a righteous punishment from God for the sins of New Orleans, and that a part of our American destiny is to destroy the false religion of Islam? If not, why haven't you publicly disassociated yourself from these remarks?
Keeping on religion for another moment; 20 years ago you began attending a Baptist Church, yet you refused to be baptized into that church. Why?
Do you believe that commiting adultery should disqualify someone to be the President of the United States? Why or why not?
It's been noted that you don't wear an American flag on your lapel. Do you believe that wearing one proves ones patriotism and conversely, does not wearing one mean that you don't love your country? In other words, is this an issue that the American people should be concerned about?
Now of course these questions may seen petty and trivial, and there are many real issues that McCain could be asked about, but hey, Stephanopoulos will only have about 44 minutes to uncover who will be the best candidate in November so there won't be time for pesky issues like health care, the economy, gasoline prices, and so on. But if he can squeeze in 30 seconds to talk about Iraq, maybe George can ask exactly how long McCain is willing to let Americans be attacked and killed in Iraq. Right now we only know that it's less than 100 years. Inquiring minds want to know.
Leave your suggestions for other "tough, fair, relevant, and appropriate" questions for George to ask McCain in the comments.