BIRDS 2006
5/17: Need one more pair of Goldfinches to meet last year's three.
5/9: Still sunny. Pair of American Goldfinches outside kitchen window; chestnut back chickadees. OK so I'm the black sheep of the family birder-wise. But I enjoy these little things flitting outside my window. Grabbed some sun time today and finished a New Yorker article on butchering pigs, also finished Joan Didion's Salvadore. I forget what a fine writer she is -- also how tiny her body is. Think I will wait awhile to start her newest. Started David Harris' "The Crisis" -- very readable book on Iran.
5/3: lots of sun the last few days, but not much action. Who can I hire to shoot my neighbors' goddam feral cats?
3/30 Bewicks Wrens building nest outside in birdhouse
31: Rufous sided Towhees, a whole bunch, in Grill backyard
Oregon Junco my back yard
No sign of the Wrens
Red Wing blackbird House Finch -- actually I think it is a Purple Finch
Pine Siskin
4/1 Wrens are here
4/2 – 4/12
All birds last seen entering Ark in pairs.
4/13 – Sun peeked out this am, and so did the wrens.
4/20: No sign of them since. Brown towhees in the backyard today and Huttons Vireo outside the livingroom window. Might have been a Kinglet…
4/22 Wrens out today, being very chatty. One making a very weird noise – probably trying to scare me away